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Med. clín. soc ; 8(1)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550526


Introducción: La difusión y visibilidad de la producción científica son cruciales para lograr un impacto significativo. En este sentido, las bases de datos con cobertura internacional juegan un papel fundamental. Objetivo: Este estudio buscó caracterizar la producción científica de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción en 2022 mediante el análisis de tres bases de datos con cobertura internacional: Web of Science, Scopus y PubMed. Metodología: El estudio empleó un enfoque bibliométrico. Los registros bibliográficos fueron recolectados entre mayo y junio de 2023 utilizando la opción de búsqueda por afiliación "Universidad Nacional de Asunción" en las tres bases de datos. Los resultados de la búsqueda fueron filtrados en base a los criterios especificados por las bases de datos, limitando la búsqueda a artículos publicados en revistas científicas en el año 2022. Resultados: Se recogieron un total de 263 artículos, la mayoría de ellos publicados en revistas de alto impacto por editoriales reconocidas internacionalmente. El autor más prolífico tenía 30 artículos publicados, y la mayoría de los trabajos reflejaban la colaboración entre autores de la UNA como coautores. En cuanto al número de artículos por título de revista, el mayor número fue de 8, 7 y 4 artículos en Web of Science, Scopus y PubMed, respectivamente. Los editores más importantes de los artículos fueron Elsevier, Springer y Wiley, entre otros. Discusión: El análisis de los 263 artículos publicados indica la fuerte presencia de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción en revistas de alto impacto y editoriales de renombre internacional, particularmente en el campo de la Psiquiatría debido a la relevancia de la pandemia en la salud mental. Destaca la colaboración internacional de los autores de la UNA, pero hay margen de mejora, como la presentación uniforme de la afiliación universitaria. La indexación de los artículos en bases de datos internacionales es crucial para la visibilidad.

Introduction: The dissemination and visibility of scientific production are crucial for achieving significant impact. In this regard, databases with international coverage play a vital role. Objective: This study aimed to characterize the scientific production of the Universidad Nacional de Asunción in 2022 by analyzing three databases with international coverage: Web of Science, Scopus, and PubMed. Methodology: The study employed a bibliometric approach. The bibliographic records were collected between May and June 2023 using the search option by affiliation "Universidad Nacional de Asunción" in the three databases. The search results were filtered based on the criteria specified by the databases, limiting the search to articles published in scientific journals in 2022. Results: A total of 263 articles were collected, with most of them published in high-impact journals by internationally recognized publishers. The most prolific author had 30 published articles, and most papers reflected collaboration between UNA authors as co-authors. Regarding the number of articles per journal title, the highest number was 8, 7, and 4 articles in Web of Science, Scopus, and PubMed, respectively. The most important publishers of the articles were Elsevier, Springer, and Wiley, among others. Discussion: The analysis of the 263 published articles indicates the strong presence of the Universidad Nacional de Asunción in high-impact journals and internationally renowned publishers, particularly in the field of Psychiatry due to the relevance of the pandemic on mental health. The international collaboration of UNA authors stands out, but there is room for improvement, such as the uniform presentation of university affiliation. The indexing of the articles in international databases is crucial for visibility.

Braz. j. biol ; 84: e253218, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355863


Abstract Indices are used to help on decision-making. This study aims to develop and test an index, which can determine the loss (e.g., herbivorous insects) and solution (e.g., natural enemies) sources. They will be classified according to their importance regarding the ability to damage or to reduce the source of damage to the system when the final production is unknown. Acacia auriculiformis (Fabales: Fabaceae), a non-native pioneer species in Brazil with fast growth and rusticity, is used in restoration programs, and it is adequate to evaluate a new index. The formula was: Percentage of the Importance Indice-Production Unknown (% I.I.-PU) = [(ks1 x c1 x ds1)/Σ (ks1 x c1 x ds1) + (ks2 x c2 x ds2) + (ksn x cn x dsn)] x 100. The loss sources Aethalion reticulatum L., 1767 (Hemiptera: Aethalionidae), Aleyrodidae (Hemiptera), Stereoma anchoralis Lacordaire, 1848 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), and Tettigoniidae, and solution sources Uspachus sp. (Araneae: Salticidae), Salticidae (Araneae), and Pseudomyrmex termitarius (Smith, 1877) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) showed the highest % I.I.-PU on leaves of A. auriculiformis saplings. The number of Diabrotica speciosa Germar, 1824 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) was reduced per number of Salticidae; that of A. reticulatum that of Uspachus sp.; and that of Cephalocoema sp. (Orthoptera: Proscopiidae) that of P. termitarius on A. auriculiformis saplings. However, the number of Aleyrodidae was increased per number of Cephalotes sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and that of A. reticulatum that of Brachymyrmex sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on A. auriculiformis saplings. The A. reticulatum damage was reduced per number of Uspachus sp., but the Aleyrodidae damage was increased per number of Cephalotes sp., totaling 23.81% of increase by insect damages on A. auriculiformis saplings. Here I show and test the % I.I.-PU. It is an new index that can detect the loss or solution sources on a system when production is unknown. It can be applied in some knowledge areas.

Resumo Índices são usados para ajudar na tomada de decisões. Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver e testar um índice capaz de determinar fontes de perda (ex.: insetos herbívoros) e de solução (ex.: inimigos naturais). Eles serão classificados de acordo com sua importância quanto a habilidade de danificar ou reduzir danos no sistema, quando a produção final é desconhecida. Acacia auriculiformis (Fabales: Fabaceae), uma espécie pioneira não nativa do Brasil com rápido crescimento e rusticidade, usada em programas de restauração, é adequada para avaliar um novo índice. A fórmula foi: Porcentagem de Índice de Importância-Produção Desconhecida (% I.I.-PD) = [(ks1 x c1 x ds1)/Σ (ks1 x c1 x ds1) + (ks2 x c2 x ds2) + (ksn x cn x dsn)] x 100. As fontes de perda Aethalion reticulatum L., 1767 (Hemiptera: Aethalionidae), Aleyrodidae (Hemiptera), Stereoma anchoralis Lacordaire, 1848 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) e Tettigoniidae, e as fontes de solução Uspachus sp. (Araneae: Salticidae), Salticidae (Araneae) e Pseudomyrmex termitarius (Smith, 1877) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) apresentaram maiores % I.I.-PD nas folhas das mudas de A. auriculiformis. O número de Diabrotica speciosa Germar, 1824 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) foi reduzido pelo número de Salticidae; o de A. reticulatum pelo de Uspachus sp.; e o de Cephalocoema sp. (Orthoptera: Proscopiidae) pelo de P. termitarius em mudas de A. auriculiformis. Entretanto, o número de Aleyrodidae foi aumentado pelo número de Cephalotes sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) e o de A. reticulatum pelo de Brachymyrmex sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) em mudas de A. auriculiformis. O dano de A. reticulatum foi reduzido pelo número de Uspachus sp., mas o dano de Aleyrodidae foi aumentado pelo número de Cephalotes sp., totalizando 23,81% de aumento de danos em mudas de A. auriculiformis. Aqui eu apresento e testo o % I.I.-PD. Ele é um novo índice capaz de detectar fontes de perda e de solução no sistema quando não se conhece a produção final. Ele pode ser aplicado em algumas áreas do conhecimento.

Animals , Ants , Coleoptera , Acacia , Hemiptera , Insecta
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e243238, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360207


The use of alternative nutritional sources is an important topic for animal production such as poultry. This study examined the effect of replacing soybean meal with sunflower leaf meal in the diet of laying shaver brown pullets. A total of 30 laying birds were assigned to three treatments of 0% (as control group), 10% and 15% MSFLM inclusion. Four eggs per replicate were randomly taken for three consecutive days at two weeks interval for five times, and 18 weeks individuals were selected after 40 days of experimental time. External parameters of the eggs (egg weight, egg length, egg breadth and egg shape index, shell thickness), and body parameters (Final body weight, weight gain), feed intake and hen day production were measured. For egg length, egg breadth and shell thickness showed significant difference (p< 0.05) in from the control birds. Final body weight, weight gain, feed intake and hen day production showed comparable results with values from eggs of birds on control diet. The study revealed the ability of birds to easily utilize the nutrients in the protein sources. MSFLM utilization up to 15% in pullets' diet revealed no detrimental effect on the performance of the laying birds and the external qualities of eggs produced.

O uso de fontes nutricionais alternativas é um tópico importante para a produção animal, como a avicultura. Este estudo examinou o efeito da substituição do farelo de soja por farelo de folha de girassol na dieta de frangas marrons barbeadoras poedeiras. Um total de 30 aves poedeiras foram designadas a três tratamentos de 0% (como grupo controle), 10% e 15% de inclusão MSFLM. Quatro ovos por repetição foram retirados aleatoriamente por três dias consecutivos em intervalos de duas semanas por cinco vezes, e indivíduos de 18 semanas foram selecionados após 40 dias do tempo experimental. Parâmetros externos dos ovos (peso do ovo, comprimento do ovo, largura do ovo e índice de forma do ovo, espessura da casca) e parâmetros corporais (peso corporal final, ganho de peso), consumo de ração e produção diária da galinha foram medidos. Para comprimento do ovo, largura do ovo e espessura da casca apresentaram diferença significativa (p <0,05) nas aves controle. Peso corporal final, ganho de peso, consumo de ração e produção de dia de galinha mostraram resultados comparáveis ​​com valores de ovos de aves em dieta controle. O estudo revelou a capacidade das aves de utilizar facilmente os nutrientes das fontes de proteína. A utilização de MSFLM até 15% na dieta das frangas não revelou nenhum efeito prejudicial no desempenho das aves poedeiras e nas qualidades externas dos ovos produzidos.

Animals , Poultry/growth & development , Chickens/growth & development , Diet , Helianthus
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 40(1): e00097723, 2024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528220


Abstract: The strict sanitary inspection legislation of animal source food has been considered a trade barrier for smallholder farmers and small-scale producers in Brazil. In this sense, law flexibilization is suggested to facilitate national trade of these products. We conducted a social and sanitary analysis, presenting the current Brazilian conjuncture and difficulties for animal source food Brazilian inspection law flexibilization. By discussing inequalities, human rights issues, animal source food legislation, and international food safety standards, we evidenced critical barriers for legislative reform in Brazil. Among these barriers, the main ones are social inequalities; high zoonotic risk of animal source food products; the Brazilian political structure and its reflection on different inspection practices among country jurisdictions; and the lack of inspection services in most Brazilian municipalities. At the same time, we present positive updates in the normative framework, and point out game-changers to modify the actual safety and trade situations of Brazilian small-scale and artisanal animal source food products, including policies to strengthen state and municipal inspection services and harmonization initiatives based on international standards and national legislation. We also suggest policies to implement inspection services in municipalities, whether by municipal action or by a consortium, as well as policies to strengthen technical assistance and rural extension for small-scale and artisanal producers. These policies aim to reduce technical and sanitary education inequalities and build a fairer animal source food system.

Resumo: A rigorosa legislação de inspeção sanitária de alimentos de origem animal tem sido considerada uma barreira comercial para agricultores familiares e pequenos produtores no Brasil. Nesse sentido, sugestiona-se a flexibilização das leis para facilitar o comércio nacional destes produtos. Realizamos uma análise sociosanitária, apresentando a atual conjuntura brasileira e apontando as dificuldades para a flexibilização da lei de inspeção de alimentos de origem animal. Discutindo as desigualdades brasileiras, os direitos humanos, a legislação brasileira sobre alimentos de origem animal e as normas internacionais de segurança de alimentos, evidenciamos pontos críticos que constituem o desafio para a reforma da legislação, sendo eles: desigualdades sociais; alto risco zoonótico de produtos de origem animal; a estrutura política brasileira e seu reflexo nas diferentes práticas de fiscalização entre as jurisdições do país; e a falta de inspeção oficial na maioria dos municípios brasileiros. Ao mesmo tempo, apresentamos atualizações positivas no arcabouço normativo e apontamos divisores de águas para modificar a real situação de segurança e comércio dos produtos de origem animal brasileiros de pequena escala e artesanais, incluindo políticas relacionadas ao fortalecimento dos serviços de inspeção estaduais e municipais e iniciativas de harmonização com base em padrões internacionais e legislação nacional; políticas de implantação dos serviços de inspeção oficial nos municípios, seja por ação municipal ou por consórcio; e políticas de fortalecimento da assistência técnica e extensão rural para pequenos produtores e produtores artesanais, em prol da redução das desigualdades na educação técnica e sanitária e construção de um sistema alimentar de origem animal mais justo.

Resumen: La estricta legislación de inspección sanitaria de alimentos de origen animal ha sido considerada una barrera comercial para los agricultores familiares y pequeños productores en Brasil. En ese sentido, se sugiere flexibilizar la ley para facilitar el comercio nacional de estos productos. Realizamos un análisis sociosanitario, presentando la coyuntura actual brasileña y señalando las dificultades para flexibilizar la ley de Inspección de alimentos de origen animal. Al discutir las desigualdades brasileñas, los derechos humanos, la legislación brasileña sobre alimentos de origen animal y las normas internacionales de seguridad alimentaria, destacamos puntos críticos que constituyen el desafío para la reforma de la legislación, a saber: desigualdades sociales; alto riesgo zoonótico de los productos de origen animal; la estructura política brasileña y su reflejo en las diferentes prácticas de inspección entre las jurisdicciones del país; y la falta de inspección oficial en la mayoría de los municipios brasileños. A la vez, presentamos actualizaciones positivas en el marco normativo y señalamos parteaguas para cambiar la situación real de seguridad y comercio de los productos de origen animal brasileños de pequeña escala y artesanía, incluidas políticas relacionadas con el fortalecimiento de los servicios de inspección estatales y municipales e iniciativas de armonización con base en normas internacionales y legislación nacional; políticas para la implementación de servicios oficiales de inspección en los municipios, ya sea por acción municipal o por consorcio; y políticas para fortalecer la asistencia técnica y la extensión rural a pequeños productores y productores artesanos, para reducir las desigualdades en la educación técnica y sanitaria y construir un sistema de alimentos de origen animal más justo.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550998


Introducción: Cada vez son más los estudiantes interesados en estudios bibliométricos, lo que se traduce en la publicación de los mismos en revistas científicas de pregrado. Objetivo: Caracterizar la producción científica bibliométrica publicada en revistas estudiantiles de ciencias de la salud cubanas de 2021 a 2023. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y bibliométrico sobre los artículos de bibliometría publicados en revistas científicas estudiantiles de ciencias de la salud cubanas, entre enero de 2021 y agosto de 2023. El universo se conformó por 594 artículos y la muestra por 23. El procesamiento estadístico implicó la frecuencia absoluta y porcentual. Se calcularon los índices de Price, de colaboración y de productividad. Resultados: La revista con mayor número de artículos sobre bibliometría publicados fue Universidad Médica Pinareña, con 6,84 %; el 53,57 % de los autores pertenecieron al sexo masculino, y la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río fue el centro de procedencia de nueve autores, para un 17,65 %. Las investigaciones con cinco autores fueron las de mayor prevalencia, y el grado de productividad respecto al tema fue bajo, para un 67,86 %. Conclusiones: Existe una baja frecuencia de publicación de artículos bibliométricos en las revistas estudiantiles de ciencias de la salud cubanas, concentrándose en Universidad Médica Pinareña y 16 de Abril, mientras se muestra un elevado índice de publicaciones por autores masculinos. La autoría múltiple fue la que predominó.

Introduction: More and more students are interested in bibliometric studies which translate into their publication in undergraduate scientific journals. Objective: To characterize the bibliometric scientific production published in Cuban student health sciences journals from 2021 to 2023. Materials and methods: An observational, descriptive and bibliometric research was carried out on bibliometric articles published in Cuban student scientific journals of Health Science, between January 2021 and August 2023. The universe was made up of 594 articles and the sample of 23. Statistical processing involved absolute and percentage frequency. Price, collaboration and productivity indices were calculated. Results: The journal with the highest number of articles on bibliometric published was Universidad Médica Pinareña with 6.84%; 53.57% of the authors belonged to the male sex and the University of Medical Sciences of Pinar del Rio was the center of origin of nine authors, for 17.65%. Research with five authors was the most prevalent and the degree of productivity regarding the topic was low, at 67.86%. Conclusions: There is a low frequency of publications of bibliometric articles in Cuban student scientific journals of Health Science, concentrating on the Universidad Médica Pinareña and 16 de Abril, while showing a high rate of publications by male authors. Multiple authorship predominated.

Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469299


Abstract Indices are used to help on decision-making. This study aims to develop and test an index, which can determine the loss (e.g., herbivorous insects) and solution (e.g., natural enemies) sources. They will be classified according to their importance regarding the ability to damage or to reduce the source of damage to the system when the final production is unknown. Acacia auriculiformis (Fabales: Fabaceae), a non-native pioneer species in Brazil with fast growth and rusticity, is used in restoration programs, and it is adequate to evaluate a new index. The formula was: Percentage of the Importance Indice-Production Unknown (% I.I.-PU) = [(ks1 x c1 x ds1)/ (ks1 x c1 x ds1) + (ks2 x c2 x ds2) + (ksn x cn x dsn)] x 100. The loss sources Aethalion reticulatum L., 1767 (Hemiptera: Aethalionidae), Aleyrodidae (Hemiptera), Stereoma anchoralis Lacordaire, 1848 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), and Tettigoniidae, and solution sources Uspachus sp. (Araneae: Salticidae), Salticidae (Araneae), and Pseudomyrmex termitarius (Smith, 1877) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) showed the highest % I.I.-PU on leaves of A. auriculiformis saplings. The number of Diabrotica speciosa Germar, 1824 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) was reduced per number of Salticidae; that of A. reticulatum that of Uspachus sp.; and that of Cephalocoema sp. (Orthoptera: Proscopiidae) that of P. termitarius on A. auriculiformis saplings. However, the number of Aleyrodidae was increased per number of Cephalotes sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and that of A. reticulatum that of Brachymyrmex sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on A. auriculiformis saplings. The A. reticulatum damage was reduced per number of Uspachus sp., but the Aleyrodidae damage was increased per number of Cephalotes sp., totaling 23.81% of increase by insect damages on A. auriculiformis saplings. Here I show and test the % I.I.-PU. It is an new index that can detect the loss or solution sources on a system when production is unknown. It can be applied in some knowledge areas.

Resumo Índices são usados para ajudar na tomada de decisões. Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver e testar um índice capaz de determinar fontes de perda (ex.: insetos herbívoros) e de solução (ex.: inimigos naturais). Eles serão classificados de acordo com sua importância quanto a habilidade de danificar ou reduzir danos no sistema, quando a produção final é desconhecida. Acacia auriculiformis (Fabales: Fabaceae), uma espécie pioneira não nativa do Brasil com rápido crescimento e rusticidade, usada em programas de restauração, é adequada para avaliar um novo índice. A fórmula foi: Porcentagem de Índice de Importância-Produção Desconhecida (% I.I.-PD) = [(ks1 x c1 x ds1)/ (ks1 x c1 x ds1) + (ks2 x c2 x ds2) + (ksn x cn x dsn)] x 100. As fontes de perda Aethalion reticulatum L., 1767 (Hemiptera: Aethalionidae), Aleyrodidae (Hemiptera), Stereoma anchoralis Lacordaire, 1848 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) e Tettigoniidae, e as fontes de solução Uspachus sp. (Araneae: Salticidae), Salticidae (Araneae) e Pseudomyrmex termitarius (Smith, 1877) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) apresentaram maiores % I.I.-PD nas folhas das mudas de A. auriculiformis. O número de Diabrotica speciosa Germar, 1824 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) foi reduzido pelo número de Salticidae; o de A. reticulatum pelo de Uspachus sp.; e o de Cephalocoema sp. (Orthoptera: Proscopiidae) pelo de P. termitarius em mudas de A. auriculiformis. Entretanto, o número de Aleyrodidae foi aumentado pelo número de Cephalotes sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) e o de A. reticulatum pelo de Brachymyrmex sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) em mudas de A. auriculiformis. O dano de A. reticulatum foi reduzido pelo número de Uspachus sp., mas o dano de Aleyrodidae foi aumentado pelo número de Cephalotes sp., totalizando 23,81% de aumento de danos em mudas de A. auriculiformis. Aqui eu apresento e testo o % I.I.-PD. Ele é um novo índice capaz de detectar fontes de perda e de solução no sistema quando não se conhece a produção final. Ele pode ser aplicado em algumas áreas do conhecimento.

Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469345


Abstract The use of alternative nutritional sources is an important topic for animal production such as poultry. This study examined the effect of replacing soybean meal with sunflower leaf meal in the diet of laying shaver brown pullets. A total of 30 laying birds were assigned to three treatments of 0% (as control group), 10% and 15% MSFLM inclusion. Four eggs per replicate were randomly taken for three consecutive days at two weeks interval for five times, and 18 weeks individuals were selected after 40 days of experimental time. External parameters of the eggs (egg weight, egg length, egg breadth and egg shape index, shell thickness), and body parameters (Final body weight, weight gain), feed intake and hen day production were measured. For egg length, egg breadth and shell thickness showed significant difference (p 0.05) in from the control birds. Final body weight, weight gain, feed intake and hen day production showed comparable results with values from eggs of birds on control diet. The study revealed the ability of birds to easily utilize the nutrients in the protein sources. MSFLM utilization up to 15% in pullets diet revealed no detrimental effect on the performance of the laying birds and the external qualities of eggs produced.

Resumo O uso de fontes nutricionais alternativas é um tópico importante para a produção animal, como a avicultura. Este estudo examinou o efeito da substituição do farelo de soja por farelo de folha de girassol na dieta de frangas marrons barbeadoras poedeiras. Um total de 30 aves poedeiras foram designadas a três tratamentos de 0% (como grupo controle), 10% e 15% de inclusão MSFLM. Quatro ovos por repetição foram retirados aleatoriamente por três dias consecutivos em intervalos de duas semanas por cinco vezes, e indivíduos de 18 semanas foram selecionados após 40 dias do tempo experimental. Parâmetros externos dos ovos (peso do ovo, comprimento do ovo, largura do ovo e índice de forma do ovo, espessura da casca) e parâmetros corporais (peso corporal final, ganho de peso), consumo de ração e produção diária da galinha foram medidos. Para comprimento do ovo, largura do ovo e espessura da casca apresentaram diferença significativa (p 0,05) nas aves controle. Peso corporal final, ganho de peso, consumo de ração e produção de dia de galinha mostraram resultados comparáveis com valores de ovos de aves em dieta controle. O estudo revelou a capacidade das aves de utilizar facilmente os nutrientes das fontes de proteína. A utilização de MSFLM até 15% na dieta das frangas não revelou nenhum efeito prejudicial no desempenho das aves poedeiras e nas qualidades externas dos ovos produzidos.

Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine ; (12): 31-34, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005106


This paper summarized PENG Qinghua's clinical experience in treating dry eye by applying therapeutic method of maintaining with sweet medicinals and restoring the body fluids. It is believed that the spleen earth insufficiency and fluids damage transforming into dryness are the main pathogenesis of the disease, and the basic therapeutic principle is maintaining with the sweet and restoring the body fluids by mainly using sweet medicines. It is advocated to use mild-sweet herbs, such as Baibiandou (Lablab purpureus subsp. purpureus), Fuling (Smilax glabra Roxb.), and Yiyiren (Coix lacryma-jobi L.), to transport spleen earth, so that qi is restored and body fluids are recovered; moderate-sweet herbs, such as Dangshen (Codonopsis pilosula [Franch.] Nannf.), Taizishen (Pseudostellaria heterophylla [Miq.] Pax), Shanyao (Dioscorea oppositifolia L.) and Zhigancao (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) are suggested to cultivate earth and generate metal, so as to move qi and circulate fluid; sweet-cool herbs, such as Nanshashen (Adenophora triphylla [Thunb.] A.DC.), Beishashen (Glehnia littoralis [A.Gray] F.Schmidt ex Miq.), Yuzhu (Polygonatum odoratum [Mill.] Druce), Tianhuafen (Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim.) are suggested to nourish yin and increase body fluids, so as to promote fluid production to moisten dryness. In this way, when the source of fluid is restored and the fluid is circulated, the fluid can be produced continuously, which provides new ideas for the treatment of dry eyes with traditional Chinese medicine.

Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 276-285, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-999185


The development and application of processing technology is closely related to the quality of Chinese medicine. Currently, Chinese medicine processing is still in the mechanization stage with limited processing equipment, low levels of automation and intelligence. As a result, the imprecise control of parameters during processing leads to unstable quality of Chinese herbal pieces. However, with the arrival of the big data era and the continuous development of "Internet+", Chinese medicine processing technology and equipment have been continuously improved and updated, and gradually shifted to the development direction of automation and intelligence. The linkage production technology of Chinese herbal pieces optimizes the separate processing equipment coupling into the production line for continuous manufacture of Chinese herbal pieces, intending to improve production efficiency. The large-scale industrialized production of Chinese herbal pieces tends towards digital technology of processing experience and online inspection technology based on machine vision, electronic nose, and electronic tongue. These technologies are crucial prerequisites for standardizing the parameters of Chinese medicine processing. And further by docking the processing process and equipment with the internet, realizing the intelligent control of the production process is an important process for the transformation and upgrading of Chinese herbal piece industry in the future. In this paper, we summarized the development characteristics of different stages of Chinese medicine processing technology, combed application and development of processing theory, the evolution of processing equipment, and problems in the current industrial development stage of Chinese medicine processing, in order to provide ideas and methods for achieving digital and intelligent innovation of processing technology as well as high-efficient and high-quality production of Chinese herbal pieces.

Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 43-52, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-999159


ObjectiveBased on the experience of traditional quality evaluation, the quality of Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma(AMR) with different production methods such as direct seeding, transplanting after seedling raising, topping and non-topping, and difference in growth years was compared. MethodVernier caliper was used to measure the trait data of AMR in different production methods. Paraffin sections of AMR with different production methods were made by saffron solid green staining, and the microstructure was observed. The contents of water-soluble and alcohol-soluble extracts in AMR with different production methods were determined according to the 2020 edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia. The content of water-soluble total polysaccharides in AMR with different production methods was detected by sulfuric acid-anthrone method. Fiber analyzer was used to detect the content of fiber components in AMR with different production methods. The contents of monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and some secondary metabolites in AMR with different production methods were detected by ultra performance liquid chromatography(UPLC), and the differences of chemical components were compared by multivariate statistical analysis methods such as principal component analysis(PCA) and partial least squares-discriminant analysis(PLS-DA). ResultIn terms of traits, the 3-year-old AMR with direct seeding and without topping was close to the high-quality AMR with "phoenix-head and crane-neck, strong sweetness and clear aroma" recorded in ancient materia medica, followed by the 3-year-old AMR with topping after transplanting, while the 2-year-old AMR with topping after transplanting with high market circulation rate was generally fat and strong with mild odor. In the microscopic aspect, the arrangement of xylem vessels and fiber bundles in the 3-year-old samples formed two obvious rings. Compared with the 2-year-old samples cultivated in Bozhou and Zhejiang, the 3-year-old samples without topping after transplanting had more wood fibers. In terms of chemical composition, the contents of 70% ethanol extract, fructose, glucose, sucrose, 1-kestose, atractylenolide Ⅰ, chlorogenic acid, neochlorogenic acid, cryptochlorogenic acid and other components in 3-year-old AMR with direct seeding and without topping were significantly higher than those in the other three samples(P<0.05). The contents of cellulose, 70% ethanol extract, sucrose, atractylenolide Ⅰ, atractylone and other components in 3-year-old AMR with topping after transplanting were significantly higher than those in the 2-year-old AMR with high market circulation rate(P<0.05), while the contents of water-soluble extract and water-soluble total polysaccharides in 2-year-old samples with topping after transplanting were significantly higher than those in the 3-year-old AMR with topping after transplanting, direct seeding and without topping(P<0.05). ConclusionUnder the current mainstream production mode, too much manual intervention makes AMR heavily enriched in polysaccharides and increased the yield, but the accumulation of sweet substances, fragrant substances and fiber substances is insufficient, which affects its quality. The current quality standard of AMR has some shortcomings in guiding the high quality production of it, it is suggested to revise the quality standard of AMR, supplement the quantitative analysis of secondary metabolites, and strengthen the production of imitation wild AMR.

Humanidad. med ; 23(3)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534560


Las enfermedades raras son aquellas que tienen baja prevalencia y que, por lo tanto, el desarrollo de medicamentos para tratarlas no es rentable para las empresas farmacéuticas debido a la baja demanda. A pesar de que ya se cuenta con diferentes políticas públicas alrededor del mundo para incentivar a las industrias farmacéuticas a investigar estos medicamentos, conocidos como medicamentos huérfanos, su desarrollo conlleva muchas dificultades en las evaluaciones clínicas y el precio final para el público es muy elevado. Si bien en años recientes se ha planteado el uso de tecnología de impresión en 3D para producir estos medicamentos o incluso recurrir a otros medicamentos previamente aprobados para tratar enfermedades raras, existe un historial de mal uso de las legislaciones por parte de las empresas con el fin de generar beneficios comerciales, por lo que estas políticas deben reforzarse para que cumplan su propósito; ayudar a una población muy vulnerable. El objetivo del presente texto es exponer los resultados de una revisión documental sobre el panorama científico y sociopolítico en el que se encuentra el problema de las enfermedades raras y los medicamentos huérfanos, así como las posibles soluciones que se están desplegando para abordarlo. Deriva de un estudio que se desarrolla en el momento actual en la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, de Ciudad de México.

The strange illnesses are those that have low prevalence and that, therefore, the development of medications to treat them is not profitable for the pharmaceutical companies due to the drop demands. Although it is already counted with different political public around the world to motivate to the pharmaceutical industries to investigate these medications, well-known as orphan medications, their development bears many difficulties in the clinical evaluations and the final price for the public it is very high. Although in recent years he/she has thought about the use of impression technology in 3D to produce these medications or even to appeal to other medications previously approved to treat strange illnesses, a record of wrong use of the legislations exists on the part of the companies with the purpose of generating commercial benefits, for what these politicians should be reinforced so that they complete its purpose; to help a very vulnerable population. The objective of the present text is to expose the results of a documental revision on the scientific and sociopolitical panorama in which is the problem of the strange illnesses and the orphan medications, as well as the possible solutions that they are spreading to approach it. It derives of a study that is developed in the current moment in the Metropolitan Autonomous University, of Mexico City.

Medisan ; 27(6)dic. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1534924


Introducción: En el mundo académico, la publicación científica se ha convertido en un problema constante, tanto en sus elementos cuantitativos como en los cualitativos. Objetivo: Caracterizar el nivel de publicación de MEDISAN según algunos aspectos de su producción científica y editorial. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación observacional, descriptiva y transversal, del tipo bibliométrico, de la producción científica en la revista MEDISAN de Santiago de Cuba durante el quinquenio 2017-2021. La población de estudio quedó conformada por todos los artículos científicos publicados en ese periodo según los registros de las bases de datos SciELO Citation Index y Google Académico, así como los de la propia revista en la plataforma Open Journal Systems. Resultados: Durante el periodo analizado se publicaron 38 números, que incluyeron 679 artículos y 2367 autores. Se destacaron el año 2017 con mayor cantidad de publicaciones (31,8 %) y el año 2019 con una menor cifra (14,3 %). Los autores cubanos presentaron una contribución superior (629 artículos), sobre todo los de la provincia de Santiago de Cuba, donde sobresalieron los profesionales de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas, con 50,1 % de toda la producción. El índice h5 reveló una tendencia al aumento de las citas que recibió la revista, dado que en el año 2021 su resultado fue 23 y en el 2022 se incrementó a 27. Conclusiones: El análisis de la producción científica y editorial reveló las fortalezas y debilidades de la revista, lo que permite trazar políticas para aumentar su calidad y, con ello, su visibilidad en bases de datos.

Introduction: In the academic world, scientific publication has become a constant problem, both in its quantitative and qualitative elements. Objective: To characterize MEDISAN's publication rate according to some aspects of its scientific and editorial production. Methods: An observational, descriptive and transversal research, of bibliometric type, was carried out on the scientific production of MEDISAN journal from Santiago de Cuba during the five-year period 2017-2021. The study population was made up of all scientific articles published in that period according to the records of SciELO Citation Index and Google Scholar databases, as well as those of the journal itself on the Open Journal Systems. Results: During the analyzed period, 38 issues were published, which included 679 articles and 2,367 authors. The year 2017 stood out with the highest number of publications (31.8%) and the year 2019 with a lower number (14.3%). Cuban authors had the greatest contribution (629 articles), especially those from Santiago de Cuba province, where professionals from University of Medical Sciences stood out, with 50.1% of all production. The h5 index revealed a trend of increasing citations received by the journal, since in 2021 it was 23 and in 2022 it increased to 27. Conclusions: The analysis of scientific and editorial production revealed the strengths and weaknesses of the journal, which makes it possible to draw up policies to increase its quality and, with it, its visibility in databases.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; 83(4): 522-532, ago. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514510


Resumen Introducción : Conocer las características del mercado farmacéutico permite obtener información sensible para entender la oferta, la demanda y el acceso de la pobla ción a los medicamentos. Con el objetivo de aportar da tos primarios respecto a la comercialización de fármacos en Argentina, se desarrolló la siguiente investigación. Métodos : Se trata de un estudio descriptivo cuanti tativo-cualitativo transversal del mercado farmacéutico argentino, tomando en cuenta 30 años de información oficial aportada por la Agencia Reguladora Nacional (ANMAT). Resultados : Se identificaron 216 laboratorios (182 nacionales) productores/importadores de medicamentos, 53 distribuidores y 479 droguerías (establecimientos de distribución de medicamentos al por mayor). Se detectó una alta concentración de la comercialización, agrupán dose el 90% de la misma, en solo 5 intermediarios. En el país existen actualmente 6670 productos/certificados, cantidad que fluctuó a lo largo de los últimos 30 años. Seis laboratorios son dueños de entre 116 y 208 certifica dos. El 84% de estos productos provienen de laboratorios nacionales, 5002 son monofármacos, mientras que el 83% se comercializa bajo un nombre de fantasía. Las tres principales indicaciones a las que se destina el registro de medicamentos en la Argentina son enfermedades del aparato digestivo, sistema nervioso, e infecciosas; el 58% es comercializado como formulaciones orales. Discusión : el presente trabajo muestra que el mer cado farmacéutico argentino tiene una participación mayoritaria de capitales nacionales, existiendo gran concentración en pocas empresas productoras y distri buidoras. Los productos son mayormente monodrogas comercializadas en forma oral y ofrecidas por su nombre de fantasía.

Abstract Introduction : Knowing the characteristics of the phar maceutical market allows obtaining sensitive informa tion to understand the supply, demand and access of the population to medicines. In order to provide primary data regarding the marketing of drugs in Argentina, the following research was performed. Method : This is a cross-sectional quantitative-quali tative descriptive study of the Argentine pharmaceutical market, taking into account 30 years of official information provided by the National Regulatory Agency (ANMAT). Results : Two hundred and sixteen laboratories (182 national) drug producers/importers, 53 distributors and 479 drugstores (wholesale drug distribution establishments) were identified. A high concentration of market ing was detected, grouping 90% in only 5 intermediaries. There are currently 6670 products/certificates in the country, an amount that fluctuated over the last 30 years. Six laboratories are owners of between 116 and 208 certificates; 84% of these products come from na tional laboratories, 5002 are mono-drugs, while 83% are marketed under a fancy name. The three main indica tions for which the registration of drugs in Argentina is intended are diseases of digestive system, nervous system and infectious diseases; 58% of the marketed products consist of oral formulations. Discussion : Based on data provided by this study, it is possible to assert that the Argentinian pharmaceutical market has a majority share of national capital, with a great concentration in a few pharmaceutical companies and distributors. The products are mostly available as non-combined drugs, in their oral form, and available by their brand names.

Hematol., Transfus. Cell Ther. (Impr.) ; 45(supl.2): S57-S67, July 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514190


ABSTRACT Introduction: Scientometrics is the field concerned with measuring and analyzing academic literature, using specific metrics and data from bibliometric databases. Hematology is a broad area of science and medicine, from which several landmark scientific discoveries have emerged. Objective: The aim of this report is to provide a snapshot of the landscape of hematology research in Brazil, based on a comprehensive analysis of published studies in hematology whose authors were affiliated to Brazilian institutions from 1980 to 2020. Method: Articles, reviews and letters to the editor with at least one author affiliated to a Brazilian institution were retrieved from Incytes/Web of Science or Scopus databases. Importantly, only papers classified in the subject area "Hematology" by the embedded algorithms of each database were included. Results: Considering all published papers, Brazil is in the 22nd position, contributing with around 1.1% of papers in this period. A clear and sustained increase in publication output can be observed from the early 1990's to the present moment. Publicly-funded higher education institutions were the main contributors to the development and consolidation of the hematology scientific community, which has grown in diversity, with an increasing number of contributions from private institutions. In regard to funding, public agencies have been and remain by large as the most important funder of research in hematology in Brazil. Conclusion: We suggest that continuous monitoring of the temporal trends of some of the data compiled in our report could potentially contribute to a clearer picture of the development of hematology research in Brazil.

Investig. desar ; 31(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534732


Este artículo analiza la producción académica relacionada con la acción colectiva, movilización social y defensa territorial en Colombia durante las últimas dos décadas (2000-2020). Para esto, se parte de un contexto de conflicto social, político y económico, comenzando con la Política de Defensa y Seguridad Democrática y finalizado con la implementación de los acuerdos de paz con las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC). Se soporta en referentes teóricos propios del estudio de la acción colectiva, los movimientos sociales y la defensa territorial tanto de la escuela anglosajona clásica como en la escuela latinoamericana contemporánea. La metodología implementada es documental, relacional y espacial, incluso trabajos doctorales hechos en Colombia y artículos en revistas académicas a escala global. Lo anterior evidencia el crecimiento en la cantidad de este tipo de trabajos, sus principales temas y vacíos, así como la distribución espacial de los casos de estudio abordados.

This article analyzes the academic production related to the processes of collective action, social mobilization and territorial defense in Colombia during the last two decades (2000-2020). A context of social, political, and economic conflict is taken as a starting point. Beginning with the Democratic Security policy and ending with the implementation of the peace agreements with the FARC. This work is supported by theoretical references typical of the study of collective action, social movements, and territorial defense, both from the classical Anglo-Saxon tradition, as well as the contemporary Latin American one. The analysis is based on a documentary, relational and spatial methodology, which includes the review of doctoral works done in Colombia, and articles in academic journals on a global scale. The above evidences the growth in the amount of this type of work, its main themes as well as its gray areas, also the spatial distribution of the case studies addressed.

Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 15(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521930


Introducción: La Bibliometría como ciencia, permite el análisis detallado de las publicaciones, se hace cada vez más necesaria, y en el campo investigativo ha creado tendencia. Objetivo: Describir la producción científica de la Revista Cubana de Informática Médica en el periodo desde 2017 hasta 2021. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal mediante el análisis bibliométrico de la Revista Cubana de Informática Médica desde 2017 hasta 2021. El universo lo conformaron 131 artículos publicados en el periodo de estudio. Se estudiaron las tipologías de artículos, la cantidad de artículos por años y de autores, así como el país de procedencia. Para el cálculo de la obsolescencia de las referencias se empleó el índice de Price. Resultados: El año 2021 presentó el mayor número de publicaciones en el periodo de estudio para un 25,19 %, los artículos originales representaron el 68,70 % del total. La cantidad de autores por artículos que predominó fue 3, lo que representa el 25,95 %. Se destacan los artículos de Cuba con el 90,08% del total. Los manuscritos de revisión mostraron el mayor índice de Price con 0.96 y los originales el menor con un 0.66. Conclusiones: La Revista Cubana de Informática Médica ha mantenido un crecimiento en las publicaciones, destacándose en el año 2021 el incremento de artículos originales, predominaron las publicaciones con 3 autores, Cuba es el país que más aportó. Las revisiones mostraron mayor nivel de actualidad de las referencias bibliográficas que los originales.

Introduction: Bibliometrics as a science allows the detailed analysis of publications, becoming more and more necessary and creating a trend in the research field. Objective: To describe the scientific production of the Cuban Journal of Medical Informatics in the period from 2017 to 2021. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study by conducting the bibliometric analysis of the Cuban Journal of Medical Informatics from 2017 to 2021. The universe consisted of 131 articles published in this study period. The typologies of articles, the number of articles and authors per years, and the country of origin were revealed in the study. Price index was the indicator used to calculate the obsolescence of references. Results: The year 2021 presented the highest number of publications in the aforementioned study period (25.19%); original articles accounted for 68.70% of the total. The predominant number of authors per articles was 3, representing 25.5%. Cuban articles stood out with 90.08% of the total of articles. Review manuscripts showed the highest Price index (0.96) while original articles revealed the lowest one (0.66). Conclusions: The Cuban Journal of Medical Informatics has maintained a growth in publications, standing out an increase in original articles in 2021 and predominating those publications with 3 authors. The reviews showed higher level of currentness of bibliographic references than original works.

Rev. invest. clín ; 75(3): 129-142, May.-Jun. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515316


ABSTRACT Alcohol consumption has been linked to numerous pathologic conditions, including infectious diseases and several types of cancer. Alcohol exerts its modulatory effects on the immune system (IS) in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Numerous studies indicate that these alterations affect responses such as peripheral inflammation or decreased antibody production and promote chronic inflammation, leading to cell death. The molecular mechanisms underlying these effects involve generating an oxidative tissue environment, producing cell damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), and activating pattern recognition receptors. In particular, toll-like receptors and their signaling system emerge as central elements whose activity is altered by alcohol intake. There is also some epidemiological evidence demonstrating the causal role of alcohol in the development of various types of cancer, such as head-and-neck cancer, esophageal cancer, colorectal cancer, liver cancer, and breast cancer. Most recent evidence suggests that factors related to alcohol consumption and cancer include increased levels of acetaldehyde, production of reactive oxygen species, alteration in DNA methylation, and modifications in retinoid metabolism. In addition, changes associated with alcohol use on the IS and intestinal microbiota may favor the growth of some types of tumors.

Educ. med. super ; 37(2)jun. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1528531


Introducción: El Movimiento de Alumnos Ayudantes "Frank País" constituye una valiosa cantera de investigadores. Sin embargo, estas potencialidades no siempre generan tal resultado, lo cual torna necesario monitorizar sistemáticamente dicha actividad. Objetivo: Caracterizar la actividad investigativa de los alumnos ayudantes en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas "Victoria de Girón". Métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal, en una muestra probabilística estratificada de 131 sujetos. El análisis estadístico fue descriptivo. Se empleó la prueba ji al cuadrado de Pearson y el coeficiente V de Cramer. Resultados: Los estudiantes en el quinto año académico, de las 12 habilidades investigativas exploradas, en 8 alcanzaron las mayores cifras en cuanto a los que expresaron dominarlas. El área clínica fue la de principal interés investigativo (50,4 %); esta variable se asoció con el tipo de especialidad de la ayudantía (p < 0,001; V = 0,710). El 53,4 % de los educandos refirió estar vinculado a la investigación científica, lo cual presentó asociación estadística (p < 0,001; 0,6 ≤ V < 0,8) con las variables: antigüedad en el movimiento de alumnos ayudantes, autopercepción de su importancia en la formación profesional, la autoevaluación de la preparación en ella, incorporación a un proyecto de investigación, pertenencia al Grupo Científico Estudiantil e interés por practicarla en el posgrado. Pocos se encontraban vinculados a proyectos de investigación (n = 22), al Grupo Científico Estudiantil (n = 37) y a la publicación científica (n = 22). Conclusiones: En los alumnos ayudantes de esta facultad se observa una insuficiente actividad en investigación científica.

Introduction: "Frank País" Student Teachers Movement is a valuable pool of researchers. However, these potentialities do not always produce such outcomes; therefore, systematic monitoring of this activity is necessary. Objective: To characterize the research activity of student teachers at Facultad de Ciencias Médicas "Victoria de Girón". Methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted with a stratified probabilistic sample of 131 subjects. The statistical analysis was descriptive. Pearson's chi-squared test and Cramer's V coefficient were used. Results: Of the 12 explored research skills, fifth academic year students expressed that they mastered 8 of them, in which they reached the highest figures. The clinical area received the main interest in research (50.4 %); this variable was associated with the type of specialty of the student teachers (p<0.001; V=0.710). 53.4 % of the students reported that they were involved in scientific research, a condition statistically associated (p<0.001; 0.6≤V<0.8) with the variables service time in the student teachers movement, perception of its importance in self-professional training, self-assessment of training for it, recent involvement into a research project, membership in the students' scientific group, and interest in practicing the specialty during the postgraduate stage. Few of them were involved in research projects (n=22), the students' scientific group (n=37), or participated in scientific publication (n=22). Conclusions: Insufficient activity in scientific research is observed among the student teachers of this medical school.

Humans , Research/education , Scientific Publication Indicators , Scientific and Technical Publications , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Education, Medical, Undergraduate , Bibliometrics , Observational Study , Academic Success
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1536319


Introducción: Las publicaciones científicas permiten el desarrollo científico y tecnológico sobre un área del conocimiento. Objetivo: Caracterizar la producción científica de autores con afiliación a instituciones latinoamericanas sobre ansiedad y COVID-19. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión de las publicaciones indizadas en la base de datos Scopus relacionados con la ansiedad y la COVID-19, especificando que al menos un autor tenga afiliación de un país latinoamericano. Se revisó cada artículo para seleccionar solo aquellas publicaciones que hayan estudiado estas variables. Finalmente, sus características fueron registradas y analizadas usando Microsoft Excel y el software VOSviewer. Conclusiones: La producción científica latinoamericana sobre ansiedad y COVID-19 aún es escasa, pero se encuentra en crecimiento, por lo que es importante generar alternativas para incrementar el número de redes de colaboración y producción(AU)

Introduction: Scientific publications allow scientific and technological development on an area of knowledge. Objective: To characterize the scientific production of authors affiliated to Latin American institutions on anxiety and COVID-19. Methods: A review of the publications indexed in the Scopus database related to anxiety and COVID-19 was carried out, specifying that at least one author had affiliation with a Latin American country. Each article was reviewed to select only those publications that studied these variables. Finally, their characteristics were recorded and analyzed using Microsoft Excel and VOSviewer software. Conclusions: Latin American scientific production on anxiety and COVID-19 is still scarce, but it is growing, so it is important to generate alternatives to increase the number of collaborative networks and production(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Anxiety , Scientific and Technical Publications , COVID-19/epidemiology
Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 22(1): 113-122, jun 22, 2023. tab, fig
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1443896


Introdução: o plantão psicológico é uma modalidade de atenção psicológica que se caracteriza pela oferta de uma escuta clínica especializada no exato momento em que o sujeito vivencia uma crise. Essa prontidão na acolhida dialoga com as necessidades do sujeito contemporâneo que, imerso num cenário de indisponibilidade de tempo e afeto, encontra no plantão um lugar de referência com o qual poderá contar para o cuidado em saúde mental. Objetivo: analisar a produção científica sobre o plantão psicológico do período de 2017 a 2021. Metodologia: trata-se de um estudo descritivo-exploratório de abordagem quali-quanti acerca das publicações sobre o plantão psicológico indexadas no Portal de Periódicos da CAPES. Resultados: foram encontrados 34 artigos, dos quais 19, por atenderem aos critérios de elegibilidade estabelecidos, integraram este estudo. A produção científica sobre o plantão psicológico vem sendo desenvolvida nos serviços-escola das instituições universitárias, publicadas em veículos de expressiva qualidade, com maior concentração de estudos na região sul do Brasil e com predomínio de pesquisa de natureza qualitativa e relatos de experiência. Em relação à temática abordada, foram identificados três núcleos de sentidos: fundamentação teórica do plantão a partir de uma abordagem específica, plantão como prática clínica na formação profissional em psicologia e características dos sujeitos que demandam a clínica do plantão. Conclusão: constatou-se que os estudos sobre o plantão têm trilhado caminhos diversos, incluindo várias abordagens teóricas e práticas em contextos distintos, com destaque para os serviços-escola das universidades, lugar de concepção dessa modalidade clínica e onde se pode fazer a diferença na formação de profissionais comprometidos ética e politicamente com os sujeitos em situação de angústia/sofrimento psíquico, que têm, no plantão, portas abertas para serem escutados, de modo a compreenderem seus problemas e atribuírem novos significados às suas experiências.

Introduction: the psychological 'on duty' is a type of psychological care that is characterized by the provision of specialized clinical listening, at the exact moment when the subject experiences a crisis. This readiness in welcoming dialogues with the needs of the contemporary subject who, immersed in a scenario of unavailability of time and affection, finds, on duty, a place of reference on which he can count on mental health care. Objective: to analyze the scientific production on psychological duty in the period from 2017 to 2021. Methodology: tis a descriptive-exploratory study with a quali-quanti approach about the publications on psychological duty indexed in the CAPES Journal Portal. Results: a total of 34 articles were found, of which 19, as they met the established eligibility criteria, were part of this study. Scientific production on psychological duty has been developed in the teaching services of university institutions, published in vehicles of expressive quality, with a greater concentration of studies in the southern region of Brazil and with a predominance of qualitative research and experience reports. Regarding the topic addressed, three core meanings were identified: the theoretical foundation of the on-duty from a specific approach, on-duty as clinical practice in professional training in psychology and characteristics of the subjects who demand the on-duty clinic. Conclusion: it was found that studies on the on-duty have followed different paths, including several theoretical and practical approaches, in different contexts, with emphasis on university school services, the place where this clinical modality is conceived and where a difference can be made in training of professionals who are ethically and politically committed to subjects in situations of anguish/psychic suffering, who have, on duty, open doors to be listened to, in order to understand their problems and attribute new meanings to their experiences.

Humans , Male , Female , Psychology, Clinical , Scientific and Technical Activities , Epidemiology, Descriptive